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Image by Benjamin R.

Support Us

It's time to invest in our community!

Over the past five years, the Trad Egal Shtiebel has blossomed into a thriving community, exceeding our most ambitious expectations. We now regularly gather 50+ individuals for Shabbat morning services and lunch, and our monthly Friday night meetings are gaining momentum. We have had the privilege of welcoming over 200 individuals into our services, a testament to the inspiring community we have built together.


We have been incredibly lucky to do all of this without spending or raising a single cent. This is in large part due to our partnership with Base Lincoln Park, which has given us incredible infrastructure, space, and rabbinic support at no cost, not to mention so many tasty Shabbat lunches! It's pretty miraculous that we have been able to build such a vibrant community without ever charging a fee.


In the past few months, however, it has become clear that as we continue to grow, we need to invest in our infrastructure and resources. Our daveners and layners need a real shtender (lectern) to lead from and shulchan (table) for Torah reading. We need to keep our website running so newcomers can learn about our community. And it would be nice to have everyone using the same siddurim (prayer books) to call one set of page numbers.


To that end, we are now turning to you, our community, to help build and maintain our Shtiebel for years to come. Our goal is to raise $3,600 before Passover. The funds will enrich our tefillah (prayer) space, support our online presence, buy new siddurim, and otherwise cover the invariable costs that come with running a community.


If you are in a position to contribute, even a small amount, your support would be immensely valuable. As a community built by lay volunteers, each and every contribution plays a significant role in our growth and sustainability. We are deeply appreciative of all our volunteers and participants who dedicate their time to shaping our Shtiebel community.

Thank you,

Your Shtiebel Leadership Team


PS: Trad Egal Shtiebel is now a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. If you have questions about receiving a letter to ensure your donation is tax-deductible, please reach out to us at

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Trad Egal Shtiebel

848 W. Wrightwood Ave

Chicago, IL 60614

EIN: 99-1712866

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